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Thanks to Kris for suggesting the winner for December's poll!!! 🎉

Hope everybody had a nice holiday season! In our character poll, I promised I'd try to make the winner's drawing festive, or at least winter-themed. My thought process ended up being presents→ribbons→bondage, and it led to another public-use drawing. Whoops!

For all the pissing fiends, I'll draw a pissing version, too 🫡

Thanks a million for all your support throughout 2023! 💛 OC sketches will be up soon, btw.



Lemonade Rat

Fantastic WIP. Its always nice to see Diane in your style as she partakes in some festive public-use bondage. I love her cum inflated stomach as liquids pour out of Diane, I really like the suspended position their in as she rests on her chest, and based on the WIP alone, you’ve nailed the festive theme, which now has me wondering, what colour are her stirrups going to be? Also, I know you mentioned it on Discord, but a pee alt would be lovely if possible.


Thanks as always, Lemonade!! I felt bad for not having this done in time for Christmas, but I'm really happy you dig the theming so far! Next time there's a major holiday, I should probably schedule the poll earlier in the month, if I can remember. -- I'm thinkin' red or white for the stockings - probably solid white so it can stand out from the red bows, but I'm not sure if that's too typical 🤔 I'm excited to do the pee alt - I def wanna do more of 'em this year!

Lemonade Rat

No apologies needed. Its the holiday season and everyone should be enjoying their break, including you. White stockings would go perfectly with the red bows, adding to the festive nature of the piece with a candy cane themed colour scheme. Pee alts are always fun so I’m looking forward to more of them in the future.