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Yo! Thanks to Large Bean for suggesting the winner for this month's poll! 🎉

Hopefully this design meets your guys' expectations for the character! There's a lot of room for interpretation when r34-ing a 16-bit sprite, so I had to take some liberties

I also decided to pair her with some sort of werewolf guy 'cause I figured it'd be more interesting than a human - I checked if there were other furry NPCs that could've taken that spot, but I didn't see any results.

It took quite a lot of restraint to not add stirrup legwear, but I figured it makes more sense design-wise to have the jeans. Oh, and I'll try to make this more Fall/Halloween themed considering the species and the time of year - the plan is that they'll be on a patio of some sort with autumn foliage and pumpkins n shit (if I can get all that to fit)

I'm currently working on the newest set of OC sketches btw - thanks so much for all your requests! Those will be up soon, too! <3




So messy, and I love those internal shots! 💜

Lemonade Rat

I like this WIP. I’ve honestly never seen this character until now, but I love your take on her, she’s adorable. Seeing her bent over in a primal position as dominated by a werewolf is a wonderful sight as she’s clearly loving every minutes of it based on their expression. I love her cute little feet and although the stirrup leg wear will be missed, she looks great in jeans.


Tysm, Foxy!! Couldn't resist adding a cutaway, especially since there's knotting involved!


Thank you, Lemonade! I've never played the game either, so I had no clue who she was before the suggestions - I love that these polls introduce me to so many characters I wouldn't otherwise know about! I figured that the jeans are a large part of what makes the design recognizable to her sprite so it was tough not to add stirrups - they'll def be returning in some of my upcoming stuff, tho!!