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Don't know why I've been drawing so many characters from this show - I haven't even seen the latest season yet 💀




That looks fantastic so far. Your recent work has been phenomenal ♡

Lemonade Rat

I really like this one, Tsunoda is such an underrated character so its nice to see that you’ve drawn her, also, I’m digging the tongue piercing.


Thank you!! <3 I'm happy you like my recent stuff! I've been really excited to sketch and start new drawings lately, but that also causes me to be a bit sporadic with which sketches I end up coloring. The finished version of this will definitely be out tomorrow, though!


Tysm! I love drawing piercings, even if the characters didn't originally have them. (Like in my old Lizzardo drawings). And I'm happy to be finally drawing her after wanting to for quite a while. I also plan on drawing a Haida-focused piece sometime in the future but I don't want to overload y'all with so many drawings from one series lol

Lemonade Rat

The tongue piercing really suits Tsunoda, and a Haida illustration sounds great.