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The makeup... the titty up on her partner's inner thigh... hhh


Oh wow. I didn't expect to be seeing this mini-series so soon. It's interesting that you changed her tongue and nipples from blue to pink this time around. I also have to agree with Cyv in that her mascara is on point. With this piece, we have now gotten male and female versions of both Kindred and Warick. I'm excited for the rest of these.


So stoked that you like it so far! 💜 It's rly fun to try out new designs for the same characters every so often, but the glowing blue bits will always hold a special place in my heart lol. I can't wait to show the next part - i'm planning on having a better view of her lower half ^^

Lemonade Rat

I’m loving this mimiseries so far, as its always nice to see Lamb in your style. The concept behind this illustration is delightful as Lamb finds herself up close and personal with Warwick in a very playfully manner, whilst teasing the other, with Warwick’s display of dominancy having placed their massive peen against her cheek, as Lamb, overwhelmed by the sight of said peen, has sensually begun to kiss/lick their manhood, with wonderful saliva trails left in- between them, while Warwick leaks precum, as Lamb’s first move was an effective one. I love the way you’ve structured this illustration. Presenting Lamb in a portrait framed scene allows us to see her beautiful unmasked face in greater detail, from a closer perspective. And speaking of which, I really like the few changes you’ve made to Lamb’s appearance, from their smaller Hikimayu/rottweiler inspired eyebrows, slightly defined eyelashes, to her more prominent snout and cute nose. Also, I love the typography of Lamb’s inner monologue, with a descending colour scheme as her thoughts become more lustful, and the dialogue itself is perfectly kinky. I can’ wait to see the next part.


Yo, thanks so much!! 💕Happy to know that you're liking her latest design! I was a tiny bit worried that ppl would prefer the masked version, (but then she couldn't rly do oral stuff lol). Working on a much more close-up shot of a character was a lot of fun, esp 'cause I rly haven't done it much in the past. Super glad that you dig the typography, too - i was hoping the colors would keep it a bit more organized, :>

Lemonade Rat

I think you’ve perfected her design in this illustration and I actually prefer Lamb without the mask, as their cuter without it, but I like the fact that she’s still wearing her mask. Yes, this was a lovely close-up and I hope you frame other characters like this in the future. The typography is simply wonderful as the colours cleverly progress the narrative of her inner monologue, and I really like the placement of Lamb dialogue in this scene.