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What's good? Decided to start this 10-drawing set! 9 of these alts, including the unmasked ones, are planned to be Patreon exclusives for you guys! Btw, thanks again to Lune_Bun for suggesting the winner from March's poll! 🎉

I miiiight add an internal view for the anal versions, as well, since there's so much empty space there; otherwise I'll fill that area with some kind of forest background. Gotta add those classic wavy lines around the legs/feet, too...

Anyways, if you think I missed a combination of alts, feel free to point it out - that sometimes happens when I have more that 3 to export 😅




Glorious! and a treat for people of different tastes


Lovely~ <3

Lemonade Rat

I’m loving this collection of WIP so far and thank you for all these alts, as there’s something for everyone here. Its always nice to see other artists interpretation of Lamb’s face, as she’s usually depicted as a cute sheep like creature without her mask, and I’m glad that your take on Lamb has continued this notion, as she looks adorable in this piece. Also, I’m digging Wolf’s appropriately fluffy appearance and rather hunky physique. I love the matting position their in as Wolf has her pinned and knotted, with an accompanying internal cutaway. I can’t wait to see all these alts and combinations coloured. Also, if there is time and if it works within the piece, a pee alt could be fun.


Thanks so much, Lemonade! Wanting to have, like, 1 simple alt kinda snowballed into me making all these other ones haha - glad to hear you like 'em so far though! Also, a pee alt with this pose sounds like a great idea, thanks for suggesting it! If I end up having enough time this week, I def want to add it.

Lemonade Rat

Simple ideas can often spiral into multiple ideas, or alts in this case, which is always welcome in the world of art, as everyone has preferences and with a healthy collection of alts, their bound to find a personal favourite. I thought I’d suggest a pee alt since it was the only theme/kinky that could work in this piece and thank you for considering it as an option.