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Tisha and Kelly seem to have finally reached an agreement, traveling  through Europe without abandoning their habits, assuming the identities  of two unsuspecting train passengers!

Hello everyone, and thank you very much to those who have stayed after these erratic weeks.

On this occasion, we have a special guest, "One-eyed hound," who created this page in collaboration with another work that I made for him. It has been difficult to maintain continuity, especially at a time when I thought it would be easier than ever. Kelly's adventures and her quest for revenge continue. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon.




Hi...just joined...where is chap 1....to catch up...the attached story made me join...any back story to the ladies minus their outfits and ID


Hello, actually the first one is on deviantart. It's a short story, four pages long. you can see it here https://www.deviantart.com/mistereye/gallery/66448946/kimmy-s-chronicles


Thanks.....i found it...love your work