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I have already completed part of Little Sister 12, but the current progress and my plans haven't met my expectations. Therefore, I plan to continue working on Little Sister 12 next month or the month after. I know everyone is eagerly anticipating Little Sister 12, so I can't proceed with its production when I'm not satisfied with it myself. Hope you can understand!

For now, my idea for this month is to start creating Fantasy Workshop 2 and work on some crossover content. This can include elements from Little Sister or other themes.

If there are any crossover stories you would like to see, please let me know in the comments, and I will consider incorporating them appropriately. I hope this arrangement will be satisfactory for everyone.

我已经制作了一部分Little Sister12的内容,但目前的进度和我的计划确实没有让我满意,所以我还是打算下个月或者下下个月再制作Little Sister 12,我知道大家都很期待Little Sister 12, 所以我不能在自己都不满意的情况下强行进行制作,希望大家理解!

这个月目前的想法是开始制作Fantasy Workshop 2,再进行一些作品联动内容的制作,可以加入Little Sister的内容或者其他的主题,如果有你们想看的联动剧情,可以在评论里告诉我,我会适度考虑加入其中,这样的制作安排希望大家能够满意。



Or perhaps creating some one-episode stories instead of long-term projects like Shadow Game, which are planned from the beginning to be long, might also be interesting.


Oh i want some ftm scene~~