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April Reward Vote

  • Breakout 44
  • False Honor 24
  • Judy 47
  • Shadow Game 21
  • 2024-05-07
  • 136 votes
{'title': 'April Reward Vote', 'choices': [{'text': 'Breakout', 'votes': 44}, {'text': 'False Honor', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Judy', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'Shadow Game', 'votes': 21}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 7, 2, 25, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 136}


Choose your favorite series and you can leave your idea in the comment.



False honor cause I wanna see the elf queen get taken over by a goblin


False Honor is really good, so much room for plot twists & different characters to enter in, as well as different types of sex scenes. I think in False Honor, betrayal, loyalty, revenge, family, different mystical beings with different powers, master/follower-dynamic, & corruption make it stand out, especially for the medieval, magical style it’s in. I’d like to see more of the backstory of the Lord that Akal follows, as well as the backstory behind the kingdom’s rise & soon-to-be seeming fall. There’s also the woman who got trapped originally in the first comic, we don’t know a lot about what’s going on with her right now or if she can potentially encroach on the plot to add extra suspense/excitement. I think False Honor has a lot of opportunities to grow if you want, in practically any direction, same with all the other comics you listed here. Breakout is really good, it just needs a revamp/plot of the main character(s) & a very eccentric “villain” or victims to challenge the main character’s plans. Breakout could be about the main characters building a harem of sorts for the sake of their “family” business/mafia & start using it to make a profit for the sake of some bigger plot behind the scenes. Judy is my favorite, as it can be lead any way & Judy can be put in basically any scenario, especially those where she’s challenged to use her shapeshifting & skinsuit abilities in different lustful ways. It’s fun when she teases herself & her boyfriend this way to find out what she can do & to explore her sexual fantasies. Just showing Judy throughout random adventures in her life seems to work very well, I also know there was a slight-connection to Merry Mysteries, so that’s an area that hasn’t been touched on too much; the business of Judy’s skinsuit creations & her plans/interests for what she wants to do with her skinsuit technologies, given what she now knows it/she can do. Halloween Story was an awesome rendition of showing that, & I liked how it was very spontaneous & just built from there into creating a fantasy for Judy. Shadow Game is well done as well, the plot just needs to thicken a lot still; the girl behind the scenes needs to have a very impactful plan for the main character, though even so, it can still be a very patient process & she can watch the main character take on new sexual opportunities that the boss-lady lays out. One idea is that the boss-lady could be putting the main-character in these situations because she wants to corrupt him out of revenge for something he did to her in the past. Or she could have a huge plan to corrupt multiple people for sake of a widespread-plan to become important in the field of skinsuit advancements/technology. I have many ideas & feedback if you need anymore, good luck.


Would love to see more of Judy. Specifically, I'd be interested in seeing John getting similar powers to Judy, maybe as a result of an accident, or out of necessity (like John getting severely injured, thus Judy being able to come to the rescue). There's lots of interesting things you can do with this setting, like Judy teaching John how to use the powers, maybe them possessing another couple, becoming skinsuits for other people, or even a (temporary?) fusion between them :D Other than that, a bit of world building would also be nice. Currently, you can take the story in every which direction, since a lot of the details of the world and technology are kept vague. Which is fine in its own right, since it gives you a lot of freedom to take the story in any direction you want, but it can also make the stories a bit aimless (even if the stories on their own are enjoyable). It may help you with making future stories if the world is a bit more fleshed out.

