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You might've been wondering where I was; usually I'd have been done with the Monstra and have posted the monthly poll. OTL
I've had one of those really solid art blocks where no matter what I do, it looks wrong; proportions are off, expressions are not good, I really don't like what I've been producing. I've scrapped at least a dozen sketches at this point and I've been pretty discouraged😓
It happens once in a while to most artists, where they'll say things like "I forgot how to draw!!" (and it's happened to me before, although the block never lasted more than a week or so before). The one solution I have when this happens is usually to give it a bit of time, and then go back to basics, like doing some gesture drawings to get back in the groove. I have hope it'll clear out soonish, it's why, even though I'm backed up not being done with Monstra tier, I'm still gonna be posting the poll + the winner of the lottery. I will pause the billing cycle for next month though, so I have some time to catch up. I'll also be posting during the next month as I finish them the drawings that were due this month. Everything should be back on track for March 😅

Thanks for your patience!



No worries at all, take care of yourself and take time to get back into your groove :)


Such is life sometimes. *shrug*