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I was overzealous 😂

I'll be taking the month of August off from Patreon. I'll pause the billing cycle and you won't be charged (this also means that new patrons can't sign up until I unpause it, so sorry if you're a new person finding my page >_> )

I ended up agreeing to more commissions than the number I had originally established + the new job I got had told me that… they wouldn't need me that much, but I ended up being on overtime almost every day 😅 Which means that I haven't had time to do everything meant to do this month, and it’s looking like time will keep getting away from me next month given the charged social summer calendar I have.
I'd also like to have a bit of leeway in my hobby time to finally finish chapter 5 of marble to skin, so those of you who are readying that, you can look forward to it :)

I will still post the poll drawing when I have finished it (in a few days), and then resume normal activity September first :)
