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I'm gonna need to change a couple of things on this so it won't be up as soon as it might look like :') But I'm excited about it so I'm sharing it anyways.

So anyways! yes!  Yang straightened her hair for that date! She went all out!  There's background to this, it's a drawing that'll go along with the release of the next chapter of the Brighter Extras :D
I'm expecting to be ready to release the chapter in maybe... 2 to 3 weeks? The drawing will be up for you guys before that though haha

( If you're following the main fic but haven't read the extras, link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19098850/chapters/45378037 )



Sandwich Repairman

Oh jeez everything about this picture. Loving the fresh looks for both of them and they're just so cute <3