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Patreon has a new feature!! :D
So I'm trying it out this way, putting both the public version and the alt in the same post! It's gonna be less cluttered if I do it this way I think!
The full versions are still attached and downloadable, if anyone finds issue with this let me know!


Public version
Patreon Only!
Public version
Patreon Only!



@0@ its... its... It's so beautiful. I love how with these two gorgeous masterpieces of pure flawless perfection you have you have made a cute lovely romantic scene into a hot sexy lovely romantic scene. Just too bad it looks like Blake and Yang's fun time will be cut short by the Schnee banshee scream alarm clock pretty soon. If only Blake gave Yang someone to muffle her moans. Breathtaking beautiful sexy masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my goddess empress of awesomeness friend! Thank you so much! *yetihug*