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The moment you discover she thinks about you all the time.

Now check her underwear.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 




Aw that is so sweet and cute! Thank you so much Yaya my goddess empress of awesomeness for this adorable and lovely masterpiece of pure perfection! *yetihug* You just know Blake after seeing her wife, I mean, Yang's socks she went straight for her panties. Blake: Oh... My gods. Yang: *Covering her blushing face.* Blakey. Please. I and already Embarrassed enough. Blake: But Yang. They are just So CUTE!~<3 *Blake smiling happily at the site of Yang's kittycat thong.* Yang: Yeah they are. *Yang muttered before a smirk grow on her lips and quickly yanked Blake's pants down.* BUT I BET Your's are... even... o////o Blake: o////o Yang: ... Ahem, Well, Its nice to see that your carpet matches your curtains. >//u//>