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ETA about 2-3 days? I still have a ton of work to do on the alt

I still haven't decided the amount of veins Salem's body should have hahaha
Thoughts? like her arms? More/Less? 




Oh this is going to be so fucking beautiful and sexy. Another glorious masterpiece of perfection. *yetihug* As for the veins, if you are adding them I would add them on her arms and face, legs to if you are showing them, leading to her back since They don't seem to appear on her torso. But again that's if you wish to add the veins. Either way she's gone look beautiful and drop dead gorgeous. After all you're drawing her Yaya the goddess empress of awesomeness!


I think medium on the veins. Like 60%. Not too much to complicate those evil curves but enough to show that she’s C O R R U P T E D