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Hi guys!

Normally I'd be setting up thread for new polls in a couple of days, but after thinking it long and hard, I’ve decided that to take July off. I'll pause the billing cycle (meaning you won't be charged on July 1st), so don’t worry about that, and I'll post the art for my last poll (the Pyrrha x Ruby wip) before that too.

The main reason is, I’ve been scrambling both to find time to write and to spontaneously draw what goes through my mind. I've only made a handful of pieces that weren't polls or commissions in the last months and that's wearing me down a bit. On top of that, with travelling, working on my cosplay… any social media presence and even completing the art for the polls has been struggle for time. All in all, I just need to give myself time to breathe and get back on top of things :) 
Mostly, I'm in the big cosplay crunch right now (Comiccon Montréal is July 6th) and in the following weeks, I'd like to finish revision of my fic so hopefully be ready to release ch8 by the end of the summer. 

My plan is to take most of July for all that, be back a bit before the end of the month and open a thread for polls to start on August 1st, resuming normal activity then. I'll be updating on other social media for writing, cosplay pics and general nonsense, ansd whatever I draw in the time I'll have taken off Patreon will either be posted everywhere at the same time or I'll do an art dump here at the end of July

So yeah! Look forward to the Ruby x Pyrrha lewd in the next 2-3 days and then I'll pause stuff on here :)



You smell that? I smell a much deserved vacation for the awesome fanart artist.


Take all the time you need! I'd rather you take care of yourself than just drawing for the sake of having something up on patreon. I hope you have fun at the con and best of luck with the cosplay crunch!


Enjoy yourself! :D


That's cool. I hope that you have an amazing and hopfully relaxing July! You have earned it and deserve it with all the hard work you do Yaya you wonderful goddess! *yetihug*


thank you :') I feel really blessed to get such understanding answers ♥


I DON'T WANT TO BE GONE TOO LONG! otherwise I'll just slip into complacency and I'll be too out of the beat to actually make stuff haha Look forward to the finished cosplay pics :D


I'll be more present on tumblr and twitter in exchange so I won't be totally gone, it's more of an art pause stuff :) But thank youuu ♥


Oh cool. Still I hope that you enjoy your art break. I know it's hard on the wrist. *yetihug* I'll see you on tumblr you amazing kickass goddess! And thank YOU! for being so awesome.


Totally understandable, you have a relaxing and fun time off :)


Im lowkey waiting for that one mean comment so i can unload on them.

Emmanuel Barrales

Good luck with everything. We wish you the best of luck. Happy Wednesday and stay golden.


I know we've talked about it already, so <3333 we'll see you soon enough, and looking forward to what you do for you!! And your cosplay!!!!!

Thomas Holt

Hey, no need to stress yourself out. As a fellow writer and drawer of RWBY Amino (shameless plug, pls no kill Г~Г), I know it can be hard to find time to relax and have some me time. I want you to take this month to work on yourself and relax. We care about you and your well-being. So please, enjoy your time off :3


It's my birthday month🙁🙁 but I understand fully you need time off. 😏😏 Enjoy the break


Dun stress yourself out! Ya need time to relax and just take care of yourself! Enjoy your break!


Enjoy having some time off! You certainly deserve it!

Eddie Murphy

Enjoy the time to yourself; I hope it's relaxing.