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Hi peeps! First thing, sorry I've been away, I'm out of the country until the 30th and have limited access to Wi-Fi. (╯︵╰,) I've however had some time to draw on my portable tablet while on the plane/train, so I've still got some progress done 8) Secondly, I wanted to let you know I took down your suggestions for the next polls and I did want to tell you it's fine if you got more than one suggestion! So you can post more if anything goes through your head :) Polls will be on June 1st, so you definitely still got time 8)



Hope you're having an amazing time Yaya!!


Random question/thought, will the polls include the pose ideas you have in mind for the pairing?


they wouldn't, as I'll only think up something for the winner, most of the time I don't even know what going to do before I put the pen down and the sketch comes to life by itself haha Feel free to suggest if you have a specific position in mind :3