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Hey fellas. Current stage I'm at with the model is I have finished the base finished sculpt (compare this between the last update and you'll spot the differences), UV unwrapped it, created an armature, and then rigged the model to said armature. Not much to see compared to the last iteration of the model so I recorded a cleaner turntable from a slightly different angle.

Since this is just her underwear model, I'm going to be making her some clothes - ideally several outfits in the future. The ones I'm thinking of are some from this drawing I did ages ago: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bunch-of-chibi-34004473

Basically: bottom left first, followed by bottom middle, and then finally the middle-middle. Which is to say her baggy hoody, followed by summer outfit, followed by work clothes.

I'm really glad I waited a few months and honed my skills before tackling Aloe, compared to when I made Mumu my work process is much cleaner and the model itself is way higher quality.

Another thing to mention...

The way I've set up her "bones" is something I believe to be atypical for boobs. Normally, people will have two bones for the boobs; one for each boob. Aloe however has a singular large bone controlling her boobs since she's wearing a very sturdy and restrictive bra - but what I have added is several sub-bones per boob that will control small portions of her boobs. Specifically the areas that protrude around the top and bottom, and the area around the nipple.

The intention for these areas having their own bones is so that when I take the model in to Unity and apply jiggle physics, her boobs have a very wobbly and realistic looking result - but the boobs themselves wont move much.

Basically I'm employing advanced boob jiggle physics technology!!! Never say ol' Sayu ain't good to you fellas.

Anyways that's all for now. My next step is to paint her textures, followed by making her some clothes. Take care until then!



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