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Well, not a perfect piece for what I wanna tell you guys, but I didn't have anything else to post so. . .🥺😌 Couple of days ago my best friend in the world passed away in an accident, and for the first time in my life I've come face to face with the concept of death. It makes my eyes well up just thinking that I'll never hear from her again, she'll never text me or drop by announced and raid my fridge or try to make my girlfriend jealous by hugging me😭😭😭 She was my best friend, one of the bestest things ever happened to me ever. I knew her since highschool and she always stood by me😖😖 and she is just gone, and I'm struggling to deal with that. I miss her, I miss her so much.

I'm pausing the billing cycle for next month. I'm still gonna try and keep drawing coz it takes my mind off things, though it's hard... Still gonna keep working on those commission pieces, but it'll be slow... Gonna be bit inactive on socials for a while... Hope u guys are having a lovely day..


link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CS6bd9VG870Wwu5N49ejtjzAQiXGVCZj?usp=sharing




I am so so sorry to hear that Viv. Please accept my condolences at this awful time. Thinking of you, Martin


I second this, take care of yourself and take the time you need. ❤️