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Just a quick heads up for everyone. Moving forward, for at least the time being because I want to try out different series since moving to Blender, RWBY will be banned from being added to any future polls and suggestions boxes. Once again, I would like to try out and spread the love for other series, especially ones that I barely made any content for, here's looking at you Persona. Let RWBY sit on the bench and rest for a bit, God knows how long it has been carrying my content for how long, so I think it can relax for a while.

With that, other series I would love to make content would be of the following...

  • Persona
  • Guilty Gear
  • Dragon Ball (?)
  • Final Fantasy
  • Legend of Z-[REDACTED]
  • Nier
  • Pok-[REDACTED] (Mostly of the trainers if I can find models for them)
  • Wrestlers
  • Elden Ring

Just to name a few



I think some Tifa/Cloud futadom would be hot, imo. Or some Persona 4 animations. Even a Persona 5 Ann/Futaba thing would be neat imo.


Well I *DID* download a whole bunch of Xelandis' models, so I have Persona 3/4/5 models, just need to add a rig to them, add the persona shader to them so they look more close to the game and they will be all ready to go


I just want to Ask if you are still gonna fulfill the commissions you took money from or not?


But of course, that's the whole reason of commissioning someone. I have now seven commissions under my belt and I'm working on the big one, that is Midnight x Miriko, which is clocking to be around 10 minutes long. I have the first half done that is the school scenes. Next and currently is the spa scenes. Since switching to blender, the rest of the spa scenes will be done via that program and the rest of my commissions will be done in blender moving forward. All I'm doing is doing small animations to get myself comfortable with the software and then I can truly sick my fangs into the meatier and longer parts of animating. This is a brand-new software for me so I'm messing around with mostly everything in it