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Good morning!

Marco here, wanting to give a long awaited update for you guys and what happened. In later January, I was dealing with some seriously low thoughts about everything and it felt like I was slacking in every department and it seemed like I was failing. I tried to work on commissions but it wasn't coming out to my level of quality, and that just help add more onto the depressed spree that was building, to the point where I was having thoughts of harming myself. No plans, just thoughts.

But I slowly clawing myself out of that deep dark hole, and I'm still climbing out of that crappy feeling and doing my best to stay away from any traps that will lead me back down in that spirit. Recently I have thought about picking up and trying to learn Blender again, basically trying to force myself to dive in lol. The game plan is to try out posing first, learning more of the controls, going at my own pace. Pick up some more stuff slowly and then try my hand at animating with Blender. Will that lead to Marco being traded from team SFM to team Blender, finally uninstall it and going full time? Who knows. Right now I'm just trying to enjoy the ride

Thank you for lending your time for reading this and know this, the animating WILL continue!




Welcome back!!!! calmly, and at your own pace, the important thing is that you are well and that you follow your own path.