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Hey friends! As our YouTube channel grows, and more people support us through Patreon and Floatplane, we want to make sure that the content you get is content you want. So with that in mind, what do you think about this? The team at Level1Techs has been tossing around the idea of starting a series that goes over the very basics of computery things! So actual level 1 stuff! Obviously, the basics are kind of redundant to those of you already subscribed and supporting us. (For at least most of you that is. I know there are a few of you who have decided to jump into the deep in without a lifejacket, and like, whoa, good on ya!) But by making actual level 1 videos, we believe it will be a great way to grow our community! And more subscribers and supporters means more content can be made for you to enjoy! What are your thoughts on this? Are there any specific basics you have been wanting a refresher on? Or, are there other topics that you would be interested in us covering? Please, let us know! We love hearing from you all!!



[Damn post thingy treats Enter as Post. Please fix this.] ...to claim understanding of any but a wee corner of it. Others have pointed out the plethora, or maybe several plethoras, of introductory material, and my personal want is to have more techy stuff that digs into areas for serious R&D people. E.g., I would like to see How To Use This Here Tool to collect hardware monitor info beyond simple stuff. No GUI, please, just scripts that I can include in my ctest or make files. Having recently shot myself in


[Damn. Did it again.] both feet while trying to migrate my main R&D box to a not-so-new Threadripper system, I am now running ZFS, which is awesome, but I am only scratching its surface. The various books on it are dated, or aimed at FreeBSD people, etc. I quite enjoy Wendell and his rabbit holes, as they show people how to look below the surface. We have limited time and resources, and my preference is just to give Wendell more coffeefuel, then turn him loose some more. Keep it up!


A series for first time system builders might give the channel broader appeal. Go for it. Personally I’m a patron for the news, Wendell’s soda reviews, Krista’s 2 cents on design and Ryans shockingly funny color commentary.

sub ari

I'd very much appreciate one for getting into the CLI world. I did that a couple of years ago and am now comfortable with it, but still can't explain how I made that transition.


Hey Wendell. I remember you saying in the past you went to business estate/bankruptcy sales to get computers and office components, and it's an easy way to get great deals, being you two are shrewd negotiators. :) I mention this because I would like to see what size/type of sales you go after, as more organized ones likely have more people to drive up prices, then wanting their cut from the sales. My i7-3770k/Maxwell Titan X computer is tired. It doesn't have a T.P.U. to allow an upgrade to Windows 11, when/if they even manage to pull a Vista out of their hat. But even after a physical cleaning, stripping display drivers with NVSlimmer, and using MSI Afterburner to set a custom fan profile/declock the card when not under load, the GPU fan is running at 4550-4800 blows per minute (95-100% speed) to keep the card below 81 C during games/using MAD VR for MPC. It does an incredible job of removing the ugly "bloat" that streaming has inserted into content these days. Sure, most games run 1440p @ 60 frames per second or at least 1080p. But it's loud. It reminds me of the video where Wendell went to Gamer's Nexus and pulled a cooling fan from a 2U Server rack. Thanks for your time, -JB


I'll watch anything put in an interesting way even if I know most of it. A lvl1 series would be a great idea. I know my slapdash useage of a system could be improved anyway


It sounds like in this case you are trying to make vids specifically for people outside current followers (I like that idea). I would love it if you guys could do "level1" stuff for networking. So i can get my brother and nephew to setup their own home networks etc. TBH, some more advanced networking (DNS/SecureDNS) would be even better, but that's for me :D


I like this idea.


Would love to see a series on networking- explaining connectivity ideas (what is a DNS for example), how to secure/privatize your internet w/ a router, and how to set up your own network management device instead of using a router. Also, how to set up a home media server would also be awesome!


I am liking this idea. Having different levels will bring in more people and let you grow the channel. I would like to see some more design\UI stuff, networking, storage setup, and how to use old tech to its fullest.


If you go down that route it would be good to have the episodes marked for the industry the can apply to. You could attract people who are moving in the IT industry and might be pro in one area but need a tutorial to get the basics in another area. I recently switched from Telco to Datacentre then on to IT support. Each time I went to look into the areas and found average content but you fellas/lady are my favs. I would love to have Ryan and Wendal explain where the dif tech gets used and how to think about it.


Would like to know more about of both (home) server stuff, and also Linux desktop stuff. How is the file systems setup and why is it that way? I am a long time Windows and Mac user, so Linux seem a bit strange but I have now been leaning more to it.