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Thank you so much to all of you out there who support what we do!



More IOT! YESSS! Hey, how about an IOT greenie dispenser, maybe use facial recognition (but for cats)! Voice control is pretty easy now too


I'll pay for the three of you to talk about potatoes every day. Seriously, thank you guys, I find you stimulating for my cerebral cortex and also vexing. I bought some of your merch... REEEEE Love y'all from AL


Store.level1techs.com ! Get your UV light strapped to a roomba! Will it kill the virus? IDK, but it has a level 1 techs logo on it, you need this!!!! If you dont buy it, you dont love your family, get one now ;)


Thanks guys, I love to listen to the podcasts when I go for my 1am quarantine fitness walks. (Only time its bearable in the Phoenix area) I grew up in Upstate New York and was working at a scout camp only a little bit away when those guys were caught. I wrote a whole thing about Krista saying "Rich peoples cabins" but no one wants to read that. Instead I will post a link to the most accurate representation of Upstate New York in the history of Movies and TV and say that the cabins in that area were probably all owned by locals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYTg4GY9SA4


New channel idea: Ryan's Miniseries Review! (preferably drunk)


your nostagia sounds a lot like my own nostalgia,,...... i like that :)


I laugh at people wearing masks and gloves. Remember what your parents taught you when you was little don't put your hands in your mouth wash your hands we're going to eat dinner. I used to go to the doctor when I got sick and I used to get sick every damn year. I don't go to the doctor anymore for being sick I let my body take care of it. I haven't been sick for about 10 years now if I get a sore throat or ear ache it last like 2 days. While everyone else is sick around me.


If your afraid of getting the virus stay at home. The government shouldn't be forcing people to do anything. My mom used to get the flu shot because of health issues she would get sick from the shot every year! They would tell her we'll if you get the flu it would be not as bad. Well you made her sick from giving her the shot that supposed help.


The byproduct of making gasoline from crud oil is what they make plastic from.


Where I live if you have solar power and they draw off your system they only pay you half of what they charge you that make sense huh. In other words just be off the grid

Scot Jamieson

I'm pretty old - I recall the iceman bringing the blocks of ice in his horse-drawn wagon for al the ice boxes on the block - so I do not understand everything Wendel, Ryan (or Brian?) and Krista talk about and how much goes over my head is unknown. But, I feel like the Ent in Lord of the Rings who didn't know what the Hobbits were when he ran into them in his forest, but he liked the sound of their voices.


These are interesting podcast and times. Thanks for doing these and keep them. Can't wait till you can all be together and do the news.