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Level1 News March 20 2018: Ceci n'est pas Copyright Infringement Patreon Edition

https://www.one-tab.com/page/wGysXN8oR5KRHjBTXonlQA https://www.one-tab.com/page/6VRh0_3oS6a6iWQ8WY-agw https://www.one-tab.com/page/OjsU30LcTtSui9qRLfxP3g 1:01 - Equifax CIO Put '2 and 2 Together' Then Sold Stock, SEC Says 4:41 - Sri Lanka accuses Facebook over hate speech after deadly riots 7:39 - Entire broadband industry will help FCC defend net neutrality repeal 10:06 - Verizon Forced to Repair Broadband Infrastructure It Has Literally Let Fall Apart 13:16 - Two months of daily GTA causes "no significant changes" in behavior 14:31 - To find suspects, Raleigh police quietly turn to Google 19:07 - New bill in Congress would hand your data to cops 20:32 - With Airport Face Scans More Widespread, Privacy And Accuracy Concerns Persist 22:40 - Court nixes FCC rules targeting robocalls 25:01 - China to bar people with bad 'social credit' from planes, trains 27:23 - EU wants to require platforms to filter uploaded content (including code) 30:08 - Bali switches off internet services for 24 hours for New Year 'quiet reflection' 32:09 - ProtonMail is being blocked in Turkey. 33:55 - Privacy warning as 7-Eleven in Thailand to start scanning customer's faces 35:55 - Trump Blocks Broadcom Takeover of Qualcomm on Security Risks 37:45 - Google Will Prioritize Stories for Paying News Subscribers 38:57 - iHeartMedia Files for Bankruptcy to Restructure Massive Debt 40:55 - Lyft is testing a Netflix-style monthly subscription plan 43:47 - SEC charges Theranos and CEO Elizabeth Holmes with 'massive fraud' 46:00 - With the "Solo: A Star Wars Story" posters, Disney copied a French graphic designer, he alleges 50:30 - 13 Major Vulnerabilities Discovered in AMD Zen Architecture, Including Backdoors 55:51 - Can AMD Vulnerabilities Be Used to Game the Stock Market? 59:44 - Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach 1:05:08 - 1 in 3 Michigan workers tested opened fake 'phishing' email 1:08:35 - List of Third Parties (other than PayPal Customers) with Whom Personal Information May be Shared 1:11:13 - Slingshot: Riding on a hardware Trojan horse - Kaspersky Lab official blog 1:12:52 - University of Arizona tracks student ID cards to detect who might drop out 1:15:58 - Power Outage at Samsung's Fab Destroys 3.5% of Global NAND Flash Output For March 1:18:50 - Tesla manufacturing high volume of flawed parts: employees 1:21:11 - Intel Patches All Recent CPUs, Promises Hardware Fixes For Upcoming 8th Gen Chips 1:22:58 - Nvidia confirm the GeForce Partner Program doesn't prevent AMD gaming brands 1:30:23 - Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ on sale now at $35 1:31:45 - Microsoft wants to force Windows 10 Mail users to use Edge for email links 1:33:28 - Several privacy-busting bugs found in popular VPN services 1:35:01 - EA Will Not Sell 'Loot Crates' in Star Wars Battlefront II 1:38:38 - Coming Soon to a Front Porch Near You: Package Delivery Via Drone 1:41:08 - Cross a John Deere with a Roomba, and you get this crop-monitoring robot 1:42:10 - Walmart files a patent for robot bees that pollinate crops 1:43:23 - U of C researchers predict locations where lightning is likely to spark wildfires 1:44:41 - Sierra Leone just ran the first blockchain-based election 1:45:58 - Google banning cryptocurrency-related advertising 1:47:41 - Bitcoin's highly anticipated 'Lightning Network' goes live 1:49:44 - Department of Citrus employee arrested when caught mining for cryptocurrency, agents say 1:52:36 - Scientists Create a Way for People With Amputations to Feel Their Prosthetic Hands 1:54:05 - Scientists on brink of overcoming livestock diseases through gene editing 1:56:12 - Stephen Hawking: World celebrates life of cosmology's brightest star 1:58:27 - Facebook sorry for suggesting child sex videos in search 1:59:22 - Tumblr Has a Massive Creepshots Problem 2:01:41 - Beaver Dam apartment explosion: Benjamin Morrow identified as victim 2:03:23 - iOS 11 bugs are so common they now appear in Apple ads 2:06:33 - A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is "100 percent fatal" 2:11:01 - 'Biohacker' implants travel card in hand, court says 'nice try'



Hmmm, I'm annoyed by the pessimism and ignorance with regards to bitcoin tech advancements. Lightning is not similar to segwit, at all. Segwit is a requirement to implement lightning. Lighting is a protocol, that's it. It is not centralizing, it is not sacrificing. Please compile, look into and and use zap wallet by Jack Mallers to actually get a feel for how the protocol works instead of assuming it's vaporware. <a href="https://zap.jackmallers.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://zap.jackmallers.com</a>


Juries in Europe. Different countries have different systems.


Softbank is Japanese.

Silver Shaman

I've been in the motor trade for 30 years. The last 10 of those in a car bodyshop. The things going on with Tesla recycling parts and vehicles happens with other companies too and has for a long time. About 4 years ago we had a BMW M4 come in after a very serious accident with only about 1000 miles on the clock. It was deemed a total loss as it needed a new shell, BMW bought the vehicle back of the customer and it went back to them to be used for parts. Sadly I cannot prove this, so you'll just have to trust me. It happens. Also seen it with GM (Vauxhall here in the UK). I don't think there is any law against it to my knowledge. In the aerospace industry it's different. There are regulations and strict trace-ability for parts. But not in the automotive, Musk is doing what he does. Bending the laws without breaking them.


How.... are you....... running out of space.... on 192 TB of storage o_O


Just something about China's social credit story, the two statements from the National Development and Reform Commission’s website both have a section about the termination of restricted period, which states the restriction will be terminated automatically after one year or within 7 days as soon as that person has solved the problem concerning his/her social credit. Just from these two files, the “once untrustworthy, always restricted” thing does not stand. Or maybe they can do something like a subscription thing to renew the restrictions, maybe... But at least someone or something has to re-restrict someone to make that person be always restricted.


The original statement, airplane(<a href="http://www.creditchina.gov.cn/home/zhngcefagui/201803/t20180319_110956.html)," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.creditchina.gov.cn/home/zhngcefagui/201803/t20180319_110956.html),</a> train(<a href="http://www.creditchina.gov.cn/home/zhngcefagui/201803/t20180319_110955.html)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.creditchina.gov.cn/home/zhngcefagui/201803/t20180319_110955.html).</a> If you run through some translation programs, the section about time period of being restricted is at section four.


You should start to share the back ground picture every week. Really annoys me when i dont get to see the whole joke etc. ;)


Do we really need the "Trump vs Hitler" remarks? It has nothing to do with the facts at hand except that it implicitly downplays them. Cambridge Analytica had an impact on both the US election and Brexit. This is a major concern.


Where's the best place to suggest topics for the podcast? Thought this might be of interest, if of dubious credibility: <a href="https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/03/20/british-surgeon-helped-syrian-operations-hacked-reveal-secret/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/03/20/british-surgeon-helped-syrian-operations-hacked-reveal-secret/</a>


"The future is Meow." XD