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12 Image Set in the monthly MEGA-Link

Tifa Lockhart finds herself embarking on a covert operation far beneath the waves. Cloaked in a sleek black rubber wetsuit adorned with striking yellow stripes, she is a shadow within the ocean's depths. Her gear, complete with an oxygen tank secured firmly on her back and a full-face mask encasing her features, renders her almost otherworldly, a specter against the aquatic backdrop.

However, the mission takes an unexpected turn. Despite her skills and preparation, Tifa is captured, her situation growing dire. She awakens not in the open ocean but in a confined, dark room. The only sources of light are the flickering candles casting dancing shadows and the silver glow of moonlight that barely filters through a small window. The ambiance is eerie, the dim light accentuating her predicament.

Chained, Tifa finds herself in an unfamiliar and frightening situation. Her arms are bound, restricting her movement, and her usual agility and strength offer her no aid here. The chains clink softly against the cold, hard floor as she shifts, the sound a stark reminder of her captivity. Despite her dire situation, her scuba gear remains on her—oxygen tank still attached to her back, full-face mask still covering her face, creating a barrier to the world. The mask, once her lifeline under the water, now seems almost suffocating in the silent, oppressive darkness of the room.

The oxygen in her tank is dwindling, a fact made ever more present by the subtle, constant hissing sound emanating from her mask. Each breath she takes sounds amplified in the quiet room, a hiss that marks the passing of time and the depletion of her air supply. Panic begins to set in as Tifa realizes the gravity of her situation. She is a prisoner, unable to remove her mask, her movements severely limited, and her air supply running critically low.

Tifa struggles against her restraints, the chains rattling louder with her efforts. But the metal is unyielding, and her strength seems to fade with each passing moment. The hissing of her mask, a sound that once signified safety and life beneath the waves, now feels like a countdown to an uncertain fate. Amidst the struggle, the dim light, and the sound of her labored breathing through the mask...



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