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Widowmaker crouched in the shadows, observing the opulent mansion that housed her target. Her blue-skinned face remained impassive behind the sleek black gas mask, her yellow eyes focused on the task at hand. She had been assigned to capture a woman who had cunningly disguised herself as a maid in this wealthy man's residence.

Tonight, Widowmaker decided to employ her signature stealth and finesse. She clad herself in a form-fitting black latex catsuit, accentuating her lithe figure, and covered her head with the matching gas mask. The combination exuded an aura of danger, protection and mystery.

With calculated precision, Widowmaker infiltrated the mansion, her movements swift and silent. She made her way through opulent corridors and lavish rooms, leaving no trace of her presence. Finally, she located the target, busily attending to her duties, oblivious to the danger that lurked in the shadows.

Widowmaker's plan was meticulous. She silently ignited a small fire in a strategic location, ensuring that the smoke would soon fill the air. Panic and confusion would be her allies, incapacitating the target without causing any permanent harm.

As the flames began to dance, thick smoke billowed through the mansion, engulfing the rooms. The target, overwhelmed by the acrid fumes, stumbled and collapsed, succumbing to unconsciousness. Widowmaker knew it was time to act.

Swiftly, she removed a spare gas mask from her utility belt and secured it over the target's face. Widowmaker lifted her unconscious captive, cradling her carefully in her arms.

With the target in her grasp, Widowmaker retraced her steps, navigating the smoke-filled corridors and evading any panicked inhabitants. She moved with grace and determination, her sole focus on completing the mission.

This is from a really old set Where I'm not sure if I've ever uploaded it.




Cant wait for her next Mission in Latex 🔥