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Kol loves to play dice games. Some days, he wins; some days, he loses. One day, he lost all his stakes. But then he tried his luck once again. Having lost all his stakes, what did he bet, and did he win or lose that game?

One ordinary day, Suzi was preparing a delicious meal for her husbands, the goblins. She wanted to serve them in time for their return. It was too early for them to return, but there was a knock on the door. She remembered what Olb had told her. "You should never open the door to anyone, especially not to those with tails or horns." She was afraid but soon realized Kol knocked on the door. She welcomed him with open arms. Today, Olb, Stong, Ank, and Vig went hunting far away and never came home. Kol somehow came home alone. But he had company. She let Kol's friend into the house without question.

For Kol and his friend, Foloq, Suzi serves hot tea.

With 4 husbands, I don't think your pussy ever gets a day off.

Excuse me?

He told me that his wife never wears panties because her pussy and asshole are always ready for his cock. So, I didn't wear anything today to match the dress code of this home, but today, you're wearing panties, so it must be my mistake. Please understand.

Foloq continued to humiliate Suzi, and she eventually got mad at him. Kol scolded him, too, and he apologized to Suzi for his rudeness. As they talked, Suzi unwittingly found herself staring at Foloq's huge cock for a long time.

I'm so sorry. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable.

Then show me your boobs.

What? Did I mishear you?

You've been staring at my cock for so long; why can't I see your boobs for a second? You made me feel uncomfortable, so you must make me feel good again!


Hmm... As a woman with a husband, it must be your fault. You must take responsibility for your mistake.

Ah, I see...

I don't mind. Just give him a glimpse of your breasts.

Suzi exposed her lewd tits to Foloq in front of Kol. Feeling immoral and ashamed, she wanted this to end quickly, but...

Okay... but hold on! What is this?
Did you just spill your pussy juices? Are you getting turned on?

No! No way!

Then what is that juice running down the middle of your panties?

That's... that's just sweat from getting hot from the fireplace!

Hi, patrons.

I've given you the initial story of P5G4-1, and I hope you found it interesting. This chapter will have a slightly longer story and scenes than the last one. With the current plans, P5G4-1 will have between 140 and 150 images, so I think the release date for P5G4 will be around the 23rd or 24th. I'll let you know again when the release date is set. P5G4 will definitely be an enjoyable and exciting chapter.

Thank you!😊👍




Suzi in panties is so sexy, I liked it 🤤🤤🤤


Kol's friend is visiting, so she wears panties. Perhaps it would be rude not to wear panties in front of her husband's friend.😆 I really like her white panties. Thanks!😊


What a great teaser!


You have me sold in every and all previews! I recall you answering this before, but will this series be 5 part? Can't wait to buy the bundle on the affect3d store page!


You are my patron, and as you know, I am delivering my latest work to you every month. If you're doing this as a way to support me by purchasing my work on A3D, I'm very grateful. But if you're already supporting me on Patreon, I'm deeply grateful to you. All I ask is that you remain my patron for a long time, and I will continue to work hard to make my work worth it.😊👍 And yes, Chapter 5 will probably be the last chapter of P5G, but if the story doesn't end, Chapter 6 could be the last. There won't be a Chapter 7, that's for sure.


No problem! I was buying your stuff from that store and never knew you were running a Patreon (last I recall hearing was that you stopped running one because of the pressure) so I assumed you stopped and I continued supporting through A3D website. Really surprised I missed out on some of your Patreon work!


looks great


It's been a while since I left a reply. The underwear is so cute. But I hope I get used to the pictures that I didn't have before, so I don't wear underwear like before.


Genial. Sería bueno que pudieras sumar la versión en español


After the P5G series is over, I would like to support other languages besides English and S-Chinese. However, it will be up to the voting of the patrons to decide which languages will be supported. I would like to add 2-3 more languages if possible. Thanks! Cuando termine la serie P5G, me gustaría apoyar otros idiomas además del inglés y el chino. Sin embargo, dependerá de la votación de los mecenas decidir qué idiomas se admitirán. Me gustaría añadir 2-3 idiomas más si es posible. Muchas gracias.


My work is sex fantasy, but sometimes, bringing in a realistic context is what makes the work interesting. Here, Kol's friend visited her house, so she wore cute panties. This also reveals that she has no intention of having sex with her husband's friend (Foloq). And she probably won't keep wearing panties the whole time. I hope you understand.


Sure! Before I add a language to my work, I'll ask what language my patrons speak. I'd like to support as many languages as possible, but that's unrealistic, so I'll probably only add two languages. Claro! Antes de adicionar uma língua ao meu trabalho, pergunto que língua falam os meus clientes. Gostava de suportar o maior número de línguas possível, mas isso é irrealista, por isso provavelmente só adicionarei duas línguas.


It will be wonderful, I can't wait any more.