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Hi, patrons!

Today, I want to show you the process of testing a scene. I hope you find it interesting.😉

I decided to reuse Karen's home from the FL series as the house where Suzi and the goblin will live together. I considered other backgrounds, but I wanted to minimize the amount of pre-work. Also, Karen's home from the FL series had good details, so I think reusing it is a good choice.

First off, there are three light sources in this scene. The fireplace behind Suzi, the lamps on the ceiling, and finally, the sunlight. The sunlight comes in through the window, but for the sake of simplicity and to get a good view of Suzi's body, I made the window invisible. Below is the image when the sunlight is used.

I've used sunlight in a few of my pieces so far (like the beginning of MEO2). However, using sunlight as the main light in an indoor setting is not easy.

So, I decided to use image lighting (HDR), which is one of the ways to get good results because it simulates various light sources in a single image. Also, when simulating real-world lighting just like that, it's not easy to get a pretty picture because of the lack of brightness (similar to why many movies add artificial lighting). Furthermore, the lack of light causes a lot of noise in the image. Noise can be removed with post-processing, but it also removes detail from the image. So, it's important to avoid including as much noise in the original image as possible. However, I intentionally insert uniform noise in the final image. The uniform noise gives the image a film effect without compromising the quality of the image, making it a little more natural. It also softens the boundaries that appear along the gradient. Below are some candidate images of the results of using image lighting.

It's not easy to decide which HDR file to use as a light because different files produce very different results. I liked the image below.

Suzi's areola color looked too red, so I modified her body texture at this point. Use the image above as a guide to make final adjustments, tweaking the direction and intensity of the lights.

Finally, I added the goblins to complete the scene test. Suzi's scene in P5G3 should look similar to the images below.

I decided to increase the working time of the first half a bit. I want to add Paizuri poses for Karen's scene, and I want Suzi's scene in the first half to be a little longer as well. So, the first half of P5G3 will be delivered to you on September 20, and with the increased work time, I will have more images and stories to deliver to you.

Thank you!😄👍




a very beautiful image of Suzy in the photo and the surroundings,looks like a beautiful picture on the wall


Thank you so much. I'll keep working on getting better images to show you!😉👍


I always find it interesting how much different lighting styles can significantly change the vibe of the photo. This is looking really good!!!


I'm so glad you found this post interesting.😆 I will continue to share my process and the technical aspects of creating my work in an easy-to-understand way.😉👍