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Hi, patrons!

- Distribution -

I hope everyone is safe and sound. The distribution of P5G2 version 1.1 is complete. Please check your patreon message box.

If you have any history of receiving this set from me, I will send it back to you upon your request. Please make sure to request via a patreon message. All Google Drive requests are ignored.


- Comment -

I've mentioned before that I don't like to end a piece at the climax. However, when this was compatible with the deadline of the work, I had to make a difficult choice. So, unfortunately, I had to end the piece at the moment when you are most curious about the next scene.

I estimate that I need at least 3 days to fully finalize the planned scene, and since it would be a great disappointment to delay the release of the work for more than 3 days once again, I decided to finish P5G2 version 1.1 at that point.

I organized the sex scene between Gunter and Rosa (Karen) into two phases.

In Phase 1, the queen drives the scene so it flows according to her tastes and ways. She gets to relieve one of her biggest inferiority complexes (the smell of genitals). She uses this as an opportunity to take a liking to Gunter and offer him a new way of having sex.

Phase 2 begins with Gunter being unsealed. At the queen's suggestion, Gunter leads the scene. He will be rough with her, which the queen wants.

I have considered reducing the number of scenes in Phase 1 and moving on to Phase 2, but I have a desire to make all the scenes I want to make if possible. I also considered rushing to make a few more images and finish Phase 2, but that would have compromised the quality of the images and forced me to cancel many planned scenes, so I decided it was better to push Phase 2 to P5G3. I hope you understand.

P5G3 will feature the queen and Gunter's phase 2 sex, the mirror's choice, and the goblin's encounter with Vivian (Suzi) and their sex.

I truly hope that P5G2 will entertain you.

Thank you so much for your patience and support.


To new patrons (joining my patreon in mid-September 2023)

  • The previous work is no longer distributed to new patrons except for the Catch-up tiers(Catch-up, Catch-up: Ogre, Catch-up: Orc).
  • My previous work is available at Affect3d Store.


  • I will distribute my new creation to you in the mid of each month.



Ashley Kate

Thank you so much for all your hard work 💗

Pota Pota

It does feel it's... building something that never truly delivers. HOWEVER Not every episode of a serie is full of action, intrigue, and everything one can like. Not every line of a book is a masterpiece. That "bridge" that is P5G2 is the perfect recipe for something even greater later, I can feel it. You don't know how my anticipation for Rosa is 🔥🔥🔥, and that is a GOOD thing. Furthermore, it's not like the quality is lowering or anything. It's still as great, if not slightly better. To conclude, P5G3 became my most anticipated upcoming work, just like that. 🥰🥰


I appreciate you backing me too. Your support makes me work harder.😄 Thank you!


It's a shame that the second half of P5G2 didn't wrap up properly, but I'm glad it raised your expectations for P5G3. I will do my best to ensure that the next P5G3 meets your expectations, so stay tuned!😊

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