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Hi, patrons!

I apologize for the delayed release.

I had hoped to release P5G2 to you on Wednesday of this week (Thursday morning in Asia), but based on the progress of my current work, I've decided that I need a little more time. I hope you understand that this is a choice I'm making for the better. 

The revised release date will be Friday or Saturday this week, with no further postponements. I will get back to you with the exact release time.

To avoid any confusion, I wanted to inform you about the release of P5G2 on the A3D store. The release of P5G2 on the A3D store was already planned a long time ago, and it's difficult for me to change the date, as it can sometimes inconvenience other artists. Therefore, P5G2 will be released on the A3D Store this Wednesday, as scheduled. The work submitted to the A3D Store is unfinished, and as before, it will be completed through an update to the A3D Store. 

I could do the same for you, releasing the work on Wednesday and updating it afterward, but I believe it's a better experience to see the work all at once. For this reason, I'm delaying the release to you, and I ask for your understanding.

I apologize for keeping you waiting once again. I'll work hard to ensure your wait is not in vain.

Thank you.


Pota Pota

I won't lie, the release of P5G2 is something I am waiting for eagerly. But good work takes time, and your work is absolutely amazing. I'm sure it'll worth it. Sooo... Take your sweet time and no worries at all. 😌


I'm sorry to keep you waiting, so I think it's better to update than to postpone the release. Maybe you can wait for the finished product, or perhaps you can see it in advance. Please see the new post. Finally, thank you so much for your understanding!


wonderful arts,it's ok because of the amazing work!