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Hi, patrons!

Please don't be disappointed that there are no sex scenes in the preview. There will be a sex scene in the actual set, but since sex scenes contain some spoilers, I won't show it in the preview for your enjoyment, and I hope you understand.

One of the things I don't like is to cut off a story at the climax, so I want this release to complete a little story, even if it's just the first half of P5G1. I'm really working hard on P5G1, but I'm not entirely done with one small story yet, so this release will be a little later than usual, and again, I ask for your understanding.

I expect to distribute P5G1 to you on the 4th or 5th of May at the latest, and as before, the distribution will be based on the April active patron. Therefore, as I've mentioned a few times, the mobile version will be released to you a day or two after the PC version is released.

This release will include at least 120 images and rich text, so stay tuned!

Thank you for your support!😊👍



Ashley Kate

OMG, the 3rd picture, the one w/ Karen topless is imposing; the light and shadow make it look rather artistic yet erotic, similarly the poster one w/ the red hue, and as always outstanding outfits. I love the composition of your latest projects, this complements your beautiful models nicely. It's incredible how you keep improving your work.


Thanks for your feedback.😉 The lighting is something I always struggle with. Overall, in a sex scene, the lighting needs to be able to definitely show the character's body, so sometimes the lighting in a sex scene is more flat than sculpted, which makes it challenging to do an artistic render, but I try to get the proper balance of the two. The mirror scene is not a sex scene, so I didn't have to worry about that and just tried to create a dramatic effect with one light. I'm very happy that you liked it. I wrote the character's dialog based on the body parts revealed by the outfit, so I was careful to adjust that. It's a small detail, but I think you'll enjoy it. Thank you!😄


Goblins will appear?


I adore this wonderful beautiful Goddess, these beautiful long hair and color are so becoming to Karen.