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Hi, patrons!

It's the first preview of Fallen Lady 1

Before I show you more previews, I want to say something first.

What I learned while making ES series

The story is more important than I think.

As mentioned in another post before, ES series would end around the fourth episode as the initial plan. If so, the oviposition scene of ES4 would be the ending of ES. However, I had some ideas to make ES a little longer series.

As ES series became more popular, I decided to make this series a little more.

ES5 was a challenge for me. The many parts of ES5 are for explaining plot and situations. The sex scene proportion was relatively small (so I had to create more images than the previous one).

The sex scene is meat, and the story is the source.

In my work, the story is not the main dish. The most important thing is the action itself. But I believe the story or situation will make the sex action more erotic and will make you more excited.

The problems of ES series

In ES series, I explained my intent for each scene by posting a commentary to you. I sometimes felt that the situation or plot I was trying to describe was not being translated to you. Also, you know that the emotional changes of the female characters are not sufficiently communicated to you.

There are two issues here.


The best way to tell a story is by using text. "Wild Suzi" is the only work I have ever made that contains the text. The text was completed by writer andi guinness (he also proofread the text of "The World of ES." "The world of ES" is almost complete, but it hasn't been released to you yet, as there are parts that require modification. When it's done, I'll release it to you).

I like the text version. It makes the work richer. However, there are two problems with creating my work as a text version.

Many of my fans and patrons are not native English. Reading and writing English is sometimes not easy for me too. And collaboration with writers is not easy considering my work schedule. It is challenging to distribute rewards to you on the correct date because the writer and my schedule are different.

But I will write a simple text in my work. It's not a rich text like "Wild Suzi." I, too, have trouble using long and complex sentences because I am not good at using English. It will be text that describes the situation or intention of characters in one or two sentences. Below is an example.

It's not clear what he(Inquisitor) does if there is no short text. However, if there is a text, you can see that he makes a gesture to enter someone. Even if you are not good at English, it will help you understand this image.

HUD (Icon and Bar)

I sometimes get feedback that my female characters aren't expressive enough. I feel that way too. Honestly, I wouldn't say I like expressing intense emotions in 3D. The extreme expression of emotions distorts the female character's face and makes it look not lovely. The second is because my 3D skills aren't enough. I am trying to improve these skills.

I will add HUD to overcome speechless images' limitations and communicate the character's emotions in the new work. It also fits the theme of FL. Below is an example.

As soon as Karen saw Monster's stuff is bigger, her lust's feature also increased slightly. (The HUD's icons and bars would be better in the final version)

Here are three indicators of Karen's state.

Orgasm is the same as the dictionary meaning. It means "sexual pleasure" only, regardless of her will or emotion.

Desire is lust or sexual desire. Its feature(number) will increase when her sexual desires are revealed or found.

Faith is an indicator that only Karen has. She has a belief in a divine being and herself. Faith is the most important indicator that keeps her from becoming a Fallen Lady.

Suzi and Jenna will each have their own features like Faith.

I will answer one of your questions in advance.

My work will also include images without HUD and simple text. All images do not contain HUD or simple text. The HUD only appears when each indicator changes.

I hope this feature will give you more enjoyment!!

Thank you!!

P.S. I will distribute this month's reward to you on the 30th.


The One

Can't wait


That sounds like a lot of fun! I think this can bring us a richer and more interesting experience.


wow this looks amazing! Looking forward to the release of this even more now!


The text Idea is a good and welcomed one. I have a recommendation and perhaps you are already working on this. A simple white text sometimes breaks the immersion or looks out of place sometimes. I don't know how much added work it would be but a stylized text that fits the theme or age of the scenario would, I think, add to the immersion. Perhaps some examples I would give is a text like Diablo or World of Warcraft game. I know you have a diverse audience so I know it shouldn't be too detailed as it may be harder for non-english readers but I thought I would just throw that at you and see what you think!


Amazing! You make this work to a level as high asa art.


Thank you for your comment. I will make FL1 not disappoint your expectation!


Thanks for your suggestion. I am testing a wide variety of fonts. For FL I will use fonts feeling a fantasy or medieval, while in MEO I will use futuristic fonts. However, these fonts are overly fancy and sometimes have poor readability. In the final version, I'll make sure that the text and images go well together.


Thank you! The most important thing in my work is your experience. I am working harder to make it better :)


If you need help in translations and conjecture with your writing, I am willing to offer my assistance. I spend many a day at home working code and talking to different manufactures around the world. So I have been able to both with and speak in different languages.


Hi, Ben I'm very grateful to hear that you can help me. Also, your help will probably be a big support to me. However, I think I need to experience everything that happens in a new attempt and solve the problem or issue from a new try myself. If I can't solve the problem on my own or think I need your help, I'll let you know then. Thanks once again.👍😊