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Hi, patrons!

I would like to share the work progress and plan for MEO!

This AMP20-5, MEO 1 requires a lot more pre-work because of creating new characters and a whole new project. So, I spend a lot of working time for that.

Karen, the reference for this characters' upgrade, is almost done.

Maybe next week I can show you the new Suzi, too!

In MEO, I want to show you more diverse outfits like ES series. In the previous ME series, each character wore the same outfit with a different color. In this MEO, at least, each female character would have two sharing outfits and one unique outfit. It will be shown to you as MEO series be continued.

In the previous ME series, only one type of monster appeared. But this time, various monsters will be their partners. In MEO 1, only one kind of monster will appear due to schedule, but after that, MEO will feature different monsters like ES series.

Thank you!



한우 김

outstanding! what would be monster will show up? i hope it more then orc-ish monsters!

한우 김

more like lizard for example maybe?


like this very much! thank you!


very nice Jared!


In my opinion, Karen seems a little fatter than before, isn't she?(⊙ω⊙)


Looking forward to the appearance of Suzi!


Looks dope! Awesome work as always Jared!


Very good science fiction idea, will there be parasites like alien in the future?


This spy-style clothing looks less revealing, but it's also the style of the ME series. Are the girls not wearing high heels this time?


Thank you! It has not been decided which monsters will appear, now. However, the first monster is featured in MEO1 will be similar to an orc.


Thank you for your suggestion! I hope you like the monsters that will appear in MEO series :)


I felt so. I am looking for whether it is simply a delusion due to a camera, lights, or clothing, or something else.


Thanks, additem! The background of MEO is in the near future. The monsters featured here come from a different dimension.


It will depend on the scene. However, I want them to wear high heels whenever possible.

The One

Yes! My favorite

The One

This is the series that introduced me to your work. This is why it will forever be my favorite.


Cool. Looks like a Metal Gear style. Do you think any of the monsters will be very large? It would be interesting to see a monster that is extra big and strong that can hold Karen up in the air to fuck her.


Sure, I thought that. But His penis size will be difficult to grow as big as his body size. If there are many differences in the size of each character, the sex pose is limited. There will be few possible poses. So it's not bad to make it a short scene, but it won't be the main sex scene. At this time, it has not yet been decided whether such a big monster scene will be included. Thank you for your idea!


I'm sure it will! Only thing I hope is that you'll go back to the origins of your works, with just girls and monsters, with no more fetishes like enema or others that are a bit "off" with the series. Keep up the awesome work!


That makes sense. I agree that the poses are limited, so a short scene would make sense. I don't think the monster would have to be tooo big or have a penis that is insanely large. Maybe he would be about 8-9 feet tall and have a long horse penis. So he is thick but not too thick to penatrate her, and he can be very long so that even only 50-60% of his penis is all Karen can take. Anyway, just sharing ideas for fun. Keep up the good work!


Sorry, my reply is late. Patreon doesn't seem to give an alarm about reply to reply. My work's main focus is sex with the girl and the monster. But I Iike some fetishes, too. And except for MSG series, most of the contents are focused on sex. I would be really grateful if you could understand even if some fetish appeared sometimes. Finally, a specific fetish will not be the main content of my work.


Thank you for your suggestion :) I also want such a scene you said, so I will make it if I have a chance!