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The troll is a monster that appeared to express Suzi's trouble. It was also considered that Suzi was caught by the Boer orcs again, or by the Spiky orcs like Karen. However, I thought the new monster could give this series a little more interest.

I wanted this troll to appear to you in a very powerful way from the monsters featured so far. Such strength will maximize Suzi's trouble soon. The scene where Boer orcs and the troll conflict at the beginning of ES7 is the device for that.

All of the monsters featured in ES series wanted an elven body, but the troll didn't. I wish Suzi and the troll's sex to be shown to you differently than ever.

As ES series is over soon, there aren't many chances for a troll to reappear, but I think he will appear in FL, again!

Elven fighter, Jenna

There were many concerns about the appearance of Jenna. There is no problem ending the ES series even if she does not appear. However, Jenna's revenge is also part of the ES series, and she has her fans, so I decided to make her appear in ES series, again. As a fighter, Jenna has already been decided in Jenna's revenge, so she has a different personality than Karen or Suzi.

Jenna is a mighty warrior. In Jenna's revenge, she already dominated the Red beard orc. If it hadn't been for ogre's surprise attack on ES7, she probably won.

Commentary on each scene of ES7

<Suzi's regret>

Suzi still had regrets about leaving Vics. I wanted to express Suzi's feelings in the above images. If Vics came to her at this time, she would not have left.

<Hunting time>

The Boer orcs were hunting. They hunt elves and make them lay their eggs or sell them to slavers. It was the main content of ES2, 3, and 4.

<Show me your nipples!>

This scene was just put for your enjoyment :)

<The ordinary man>

Sam is a poor peasant living in this dangerous forest, transporting supplies to mercenary groups and orcs. In the world of ES, some orc tribes, such as the Boer orc, are business partners of human slavers. It's dangerous to send supplies to them, but it can't be helped to survive. Some humans, like Sam, make a living with it.


Actually, this scene is a bit wrong. Suzi knew that Karen has failed to escape with her. So, Suzi believed that Karen is still in orc's den. But it could make no sense for her to ask Sam about Karen's whereabouts. It would be nice to think that Suzi was asking for a tiny possibility.

<What did Sam do with Karen's panties?>

Suzi rejected Sam, but Sam had Karen's clothes. On ES5, Karen didn't wear the bottoms after sex with Sam. Sam picked up her panties at that time.

<Hunting time 2>

In the woods, the Boer orcs found Suzi but abandoned her because of the troll. The troll seemed to have saved her, but that's not true. He simply did not allow other races to hunt in his territory. And at this time, the troll did not find Suzi. For her, it was great luck.

<It's a mealtime!>

For the troll, Suzi was food. I have placed a lot of skulls in the troll's nest to represent this.

<Oral sex at the risk of her life>

Suzi decided to do what she could best to do to escape the crisis.

<The cute cock>

Suzi wasn't sure she was safe. Because the troll was very quiet and still holding his club, if she went wrong, she could lose her life instantly. Therefore, she is very careful to touch his penis and examine his intentions.

<Move your hips for your life>

A key feature of the troll and Suzi's sex scene was the troll's very huge meat rod. I chose the thigh job pose for showing this hugeness. And also, this pose could definitely show you the troll's penis getting bigger and bigger and also Suzi's nice body cleary. She was more active than any other sex scene so far.

<It's safe?>

She was a little relieved because the troll had ejaculated.

<It's safe but>

The troll's letting go of his club means that now the troll has decided not to eat Suzi. Instead, he will use her as his sex toy.

<Troll's pocket pussy>

The troll and Suzi's sex is somewhat different from the previous sex scenes. It is since Suzi has no experience with this huge penis. I hoped you enjoy watching Suzi's first monstrous penis. It is also different from Karen and the ogre sex scene from the beginning of ES3. Like the story, Karen already had enough experience with a huge penis to enjoy sex with the ogre in her way.

<Round one! fight!>

Making fighting scenes isn't easier than making sex scenes. However, it makes the scene unfolding after that a little more interesting. In fighting scenes, I don't make a scene where the female character gets hit if possible. Because these scenes can be a different kind of sexual taste, some people like that taste, but my work does not aim.

That's what the fighting scenes on ME1&3 and ES7 have in common. The female character eventually loses but does not suffer from physical shock. 

<The worship for the huge cock>

Karen, Suzi, and Jenna all stayed at this orc's den. Each character's reaction is slightly different. 

When you first saw Karen here, she had already lived here for a long time. Thus, she was delighted and adapted to her present life and the sex with orcs and the ogre.

Suzi had feared. Suzi didn't have sex with orcs as soon as she was brought here. The Boer orcs prepared her pussy to accept their cocks. It was to maintain slave value. They wanted their slaves not to be overly damaged, both physically and mentally, because they wanted to sell their slaves to human slaver.

Jenna faced this situation with a rather brave attitude. When Boer orcs first surrounded her, her face didn't change much.

However, Jenna was a little shocked when she saw the ogre again. Most elves don't have experience with this big penis like Suzi. Jenna felt she could handle the Boer orcs, but it wasn't for the ogre.

<Her Excalibur, but not in the stone>

I didn't remove the sword from the ogre's body because I wanted you to see the ogre and Jenna's sex as rough.

The Boer orcs usually don't give ogre a chance to taste the elves first.

<Loving sex with the sick ogre>

In Karen's case, the Boer orcs decided that her value as a sex slave had already fallen a lot. So they allowed ogre to have sex with her.

If Suzi had been left here, she would have already been sold to a slave trader before having sex with the ogre.

In the case of Jenna, because the ogre defeated Jenna, he was the first to be rewarded for this victory. And the Elven warrior is great as a mercenary, but not as popular as a sex slave, so they don't have to worry about the value for Jenna as a sex slave.

Unlike before, commentary on ES7 has a little more backstory or settings. This is due to the details of The world of ES.

The world of ES & FL will also be posted soon.

For reference, FL will be about 50 years after ES ending. Elves Karen and Suzi will no longer appear. But Karen and Suzi will act as female humans. However, Jenna in FL is Jenna in ES.

Thank you!!


* Some images have been deleted to comply with the Patron Community Guidelines.

* All characters in my work are fictional characters.

* All acts are part of the role play and consensual.



Thanks! I always like reading the back story. And I really like the troll, Suzi looked amazing taking his enormous penis.


ES has a good story, but it's hard to fully understand it without looking at the explanation.


I am working hard to create new and diverse scenes. In addition, new scenes as well as scenes that you like in the previous work will be developed and reused. In ES7, I tried to express Suzi's feelings in her sex scene. And the troll is powerful, but he is a newbie to sex, so he was not used to using her body either. So that sex scene might be a bit weird. Nevertheless, thank you for liking the scene :)


I am trying to solve that problem. I'm going to use various ways for that when creating FL. Thank you!


Thank you! I believe you love this month's set, too!! :)


Thank you! I am happy you like it! Commentary on ES8 will be posted as soon as possible after ES is over.


In other words, is Jenna the key character running through the FL and ES?In most world views, elves have a long life span, so I hope Jenna's facilities won't get too old. I have some questions about the FL story.According to Suzi and Karen's ears, their roles in FL should be human rather than Elf,are they?Will the troll in the FL be the same monster in the es?All in all, I'm looking forward to FL more and more.Hopefully FL will not let us down like ES.Have a nice weekend,my dear friend!


As mentioned in the commentary, there is no problem with ES's ending even if Jenna does not appear. Of course, since Jenna has already appeared in the ES series, it will be given a certain role in the ending. In FL, the human role of Karen and Suzi is caused by a technical issue. And for a more erotic and diverse story, humans seem to be better than elves. However, their opponents will be not only humans but also various monsters. Trolls will probably appear, but in FL there will be more monsters than ES. I have decided on a big story, but I haven't made a specific part, so I still don't know when and which monsters will appear. Thank you for your interest! I hope my comment is the answer to your question! Have a nice weekend and stay safe and healthy, too!!