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This year is almost over. As SOB4k is just around the corner, I will be swamped with work for SOB4K and AMP. Therefore, I shared a schedule for 3 month to get your understanding.

As mentioned in the other post, AMP1811 will be posted on November 30. Please download the AMP1810 before I post AMP1811 because AMP1810 will be deleted.

SOB4K will be released on the A3D Store at the end of December. Some patrons(above "Orc" tier and keep your tier for SOB4K working time, from June to December) will receive SOB4K before the launch of the SOB4K on A3D store.

AMP1812 is likely to have the small volume. One idea is to make multiple endings (2~3 endings, applied your taste). I'll tell you when it's decided.

SOB4K Patron exclusive content will be posted on my patron January 2019.

There is a possibility that there will be no e-mail reward in January 2019. Instead, there will be a vote on the main project after SOB4K and AMP1901.  This vote will be very important and determine the contents of my patreon about three to six month.



  • 30th November: AMP1811, the email reward

  • 1st to 2nd weeks December: the poll for multiple ending of AMP1811 (not confirmed)

  • the end of December: AMP1811 expansion or AMP1812, SOB4K and the email reward

  • January: the poll for the next main project and SOB4K exclusive contents for patrons

  • the end of January: AMP1901


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