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I am sorry for not updating for a long time.

It will probably be possible to update the new animation around tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

This insert animation has added a lot of detail movement. The previous "thrusting" scene seems to be somewhat lacking, but many improvements have been made in the animations I am making now.

Below is a brief summary of the included animation. Later, when the animation is released, I hope you to enjoy each detail.

Animation list

  • base movement of Orc: completed
  • base movement of Suzi: completed
  • breast: completed
  • nipple: completed
  • belly: completed
  • bulge: completed
  • genital movement of Suzi: completed
  • genital movement of Orc: completed
  • thigh of Suzi: completed
  • glute of Suzi: completed
  • hair: completed
  • expression of Suzi: completed
  • another details: completed

There is still a lot of work left, but the basic movement of them(Suzi and Orc) that is the most difficult and important, movements of Suzi's breasts and movements of genitals of them are all done. The rest do not require much trial and error.

I also will try that this month email reward contains this animation. Thanks!

Ok. All movement is completed. I do render this scene, now!

Thanks for your waiting :D



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