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In May, many things of my patreon have changed. These changing was very big and rough. Now, It is an excellent time to do the minor update of my patron.  

As I have been making SOB4K, I also thought about the good and reasonable benefit for your pledge. And there are no unique benefits for patrons. Therefore I'd like to add and update some rewards for patrons.

Email reward (update)

- Patron's policy was changed. So by this month,  if your tier is above "Orc", you can take this reward, not related to 1st~3rd day's pledge anymore.

- The content of email reward is the mid-term result, not the final version.

- by email (Please, don't register my email to your junk mailbox, jared999d@gmail.com)

The exclusive content 

(only patron)

- I will make the exclusive content for my patrons. It would be not contained the A3D store version.

- It is not very important or whole new contents. It is the bonus like an additional content in the DVD or Blu-ray disc or credit cookie of the movie. 

- These would be not used images, animation or images for the concept.

- When each current project is done, I will post the exclusive contents on my patreon. It is good for the new-comer.

Early release of the completed work (update)

- All my works will be available in A3D store.

- Patrons who are above "Orc" tier and keep your tier and pledge for the working time can get the final version of my work early the releasing in A3D store (How many days? Maybe, 1 day~ 7 days. It depends on A3D schedule and my working time)

- also by email.

Low-compressed media files

(only patron)

- The completed works for patrons would be low-compressed media files. By now, my completed work was as same as A3D version. But from a current project (SOB4K), you will get a higher-sized file than the commercial version. 

- I bet there is no significant difference between patron version and A3D version. Very subtle difference. But for my fan, it would be good.

- It is only for the completed work, not for the mid-term result (email reward)

About Polls

* The exclusive poll for "Orc King" and "ME" (new)

- From next month, 

- I will make the exclusive poll for the above "Orc King" tier ("Orc King" and "ME")

- This poll is guaranteed 1-time or more per month.

- "Orc King" and "ME" have the same voting power.

* The poll for "ME" tier (update)

- It is also an exclusive poll tier for one patron. It is not changed.

- This poll is guaranteed 1-time or more per month, too.

- Instead of poll options I pick, "ME" tier can suggest what you want in the poll subject.

- "ME" tier can also suggest the poll subject.

* The poll for the big monster(Ogre, Orc King, Monster Eater) tier (update)

- From next month,

- "Orc" tier will be not available to vote.

- "Ogre", "Orc King", "ME" tier will have same voting power. Because "Orc King" and "ME" tier can vote for their exclusive polls.

- This poll is NOT guaranteed 1-time per month. I will try to make the poll for patrons these tiers.

P.S. I will post polls for the next project by this month.

Tier concept and summary

Human, keep watching my work!

You can also get the exclusive content for patrons.

- $5 pledge

- access finished animated gifs, images or mp4 (4 to 8 or more per month)

- the exclusive content for patrons

Orc, the mid-term result and early access to the completed work.

- $10 pledge

- all rewards for Human tier

- at the end of each month, email reward: the mid-term result, 1080p movie file

- early access to the completed work (you need to keep your pledge for the working time, maybe 2~4 months) by email

- higher-size media files for the completed work (only patrons)

Orge, access to WIP and share your idea with me

- $15 pledge

- all rewards for Orc tier

- the poll for my working (0 to 1 or more per month)

- access to WIP (preview or test render)

Orc King, the decision maker

- $30 (only 15 patrons)

- all rewards for Ogre tier

- the exclusive poll for Orc King, and M.E. (1 or more per month)

Monster Eater, the final decision maker

- $300 (only 1 patron)

- all rewards for Orc King tier

- another exclusive poll for only one patron (1 or more per month)


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