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Hi! Everyone!

I am very sorry for late release of this month reward.

I believe you can get it by this weekend.

Remains works are...

1. loop animations - As I said, K&B contain 1 loop animation has various camera positions. This time, I completed to make animation. Now,  my pc is rendering animation images.

2. last scene - After animation works, I will make a last scene.

3. re-post work pre-made images - I found some monitors can not show details in K&B images. It depend on monitor's function and specs. In K&B2, I gave more darker than previous ones for present Karen's dirty lust. But this contrast can remove too many details in images. I should reduce contrast and find a good point

Another update about monthly reward is...

In early of this month, I took many messages and mails from new patrons about monthly rewards.

It is not good for waiting for almost 1 month to get monthly rewards.

So, I decided to add 2nd release day for monthly rewards.

It is simple. 

To my old patrons, it is same. Just you can get a reward in end of each month excepting this month (my work is delayed)

But to new patrons, especially join in end of this month or very early of next month, you can get a reward in early of next month(But new patrons also need a successful pledge). 

Therefore, new patrons who have a successful pledge and join end of this month or very early of next month can get a reward in early of next month.

In 7th~10th of  each month, new patrons can get it, regularly.

If you get a reward at 2nd release day, your date for get it is fixed.

My English is not good. Sorry. I hope you can understand it.

If you have a question, please leave a reply or send a messages.


I hope to show you this month reward list (August).

Below are reward list.

  • #4. Karen and Bulgan "The Impaler" - Vol. 2

1st release day - 1st or 2nd September

2nd release day - 9th September

If you want to get #1, #2, or #3 please send patron message or e-mail.

How to get a monthly reward? - please read this post. 
Simply, your pledge was successful in previous pledge and above $5, you can get it.

Always thank you for your supporting :)

After complete K&B, I will post my successful goal :)





Too good Finally wait until the end of the month Have to say This site payment cycle is too long I almost had collected all of your work on the Internet So I'm more looking forward to the work At the end of the payment after the success I hope that reward is Karen and Bulgan "The Impaler" - Vol. 1 also Can I ask what country are you people? I feel that your characters have obvious Asian characteristics


Thank you for your excelent work. I hope to get #1, #2, and #3.


please read this post. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/announcement-2-11694341">https://www.patreon.com/posts/announcement-2-11694341</a>


I am make her as mixed-blood. Suzi is Asian right. Jenna is Hispanic.