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Let me remind you, that you can always send me a photo for analysis. Let's see what we can do better and hear my most subjective (and others aren't worth a penny) criticism. Today we will look at the works of Ivan Volkonsky.

I’ll say right away that I don’t have any special questions about the technics and quality. The main problem is the composition. It's not good almost everywhere. Secondly, this is a lack of one’s own “I”, the author’s handwriting and integrity are not visible. I believe that you shouldn’t try to shoot everything and everywhere, it’s better to do what you do best and go there long and hard. In my posts about style you can read why this is and why it is very important.

Let's go.

1. Nooooo! I am very liberal about what can be cut and what cannot be cut, but this is a real disaster. You have deprived the model of an eye. And it doesn't look like an idea, it looks trashy.

2. There is no need to cut along the edge of the hair, it looks like a bald spot, and is very disadvantageous for the model. But it would be better to remove the huge and unpleasant fingers from below, an unnecessary accent.

3. Almost everything is fine, but the model fell down, it’s unclear why we need emptiness at the top. Wrinkles under the eyes can be removed. 

4. Again, an incomprehensible emptiness above. There's nothing interesting there. The model is strangling herself, strange. And if there is a road behind you, it’s better to shoot it as a background, it’s usually more interesting.

5 and 6. A good photo that can easily be made even better by slightly changing the composition. Second is my version. You might wonder why I did it that way)

7, 8 and 9. Here, too, you can easily correct the composition. In the original photo, the model was completely lost and failed. A couple of options below look better, even vertical.

10 and 11. This is where the photo wallpaper effect occurs. This focal length looks somewhat artificial. And of course (below is my version), don’t forget a little bit of liquify, help the model look better. The photo is flat, it flattens people, we need to fix that! 

And you can tidy up the hair on her hands, it’s very eye-catching. It’s better to hide it with clothes, but you can do it later. 

I hate nails like that, it’s a very powerful, unpleasant accent, so I removed them. Well, in general, I corrected the composition a little.

What do you think?



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