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Frank sent another photo  for Critic's Corner, so, lets' talk about it. How to improve it?

1. Background texture looks bright and sharp. I think you have to blur it more. The idea is to create background behind the model, not at the same distance. Now it's distracting a bit.

2. The texture was erased from model's body quite nice, but you still see some halo effect around her. Use burn tool carefully to hide it.

3. Some kind of blue spot. Not the same skin color as nearby areas.

4. Composition! She looks to the left, and there's more space on the right. I guess it would be better to move model to the right a bit.

PS Maybe, her bra is a little bit too bright, what do you think?  



Frank Martin

Nice tips! The blue spot was killing me.. tried everything but painting it over directly :/


Try this: create two layers from the first, change color (levels) on the middle one, and erase this spot on top layer. :)

Frank Martin

Thank you, but I did that many times.. It was 10 times worse before though.

Frank Martin

So u did exactly what u said? I guess I was probably not doing it enough, or was not precise enough.. wasnt happy about it I remember. Thanks again :)