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Photographer Stuart Wilson wrote me a few days ago, "I am really enjoying your tutorials, I was wondering if there was a place on your Pateron site where we could post our images for you to critique.  Constructive criticism is always welcome especially from this group as we are all heading for the same goal"

Totally agreed! So, Stuart sent me these three photos and we will talk about them. First, you can see three original photos, then my thoughts, then fast solutions. 

I like your work Stuart, it's really good. The only serious problem I see is composition, it's not perfectly balanced.  

1. Too much empty space on the left, not enough on the top and on the right. It looks like she's falling a bit to the right. Uncomfortable. And dark areа on the bottom, no details there.

2. Maybe, cut a bit empty space on the sides to focus more on the model. And, it looks like she's falling a little bit to the left. BTW, it's good to have some space from the beginning, you can always crop it later.

3. Very tight crop. Not enough space on the top and on the right again.

How to make it better? Quite easily. 

1. Rotate model a little bit to the left. Add some space to the right. Cut some space on the left.

2.  Rotate model a little bit to the left. Cut some space on the left and on the right.

3. Rotate model a little bit to the left. Add some space to the right. 

PS Of course, I did it very fast. My edits are not perfect, just to show you the direction. And, of course, you can always join our critic's corner and share your thoughts. 
