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As I wrote before, my first step was 500px. In a very short time, my photos become really popular there. And after four months after I started I received a letter from UK "What Digital Camera" magazine. I was shocked (my experience was 4 months only), but they really wanted my interview fo "Me and my camera" section. I was first photographer with mirrorless camera there :)

It was just a beginning, three months later I got my first cover: 


500px is very important if you want professional exposure. Unfortunately, now it's far from it's highest point, but I don't know any place better if you want recognition.

I never wrote to any magazines myself and, of course, I never paid them too. Editors found my work on 500px, and after the first cover I became quite popular in photography media.

Now social networks are more popular than print media, but it's still mean a lot. After all my covers and interviews I got a lot of offers to host workshops from all over the world. And a lot of people later told me they found me because of pro media, and they attented my courses because of that. 

And that's why 500px is still important.



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