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 Owner : @tretaku 

-------------- Side story ------------

Hi guys,

I'm so stressed recently, I am thinking of quitting of a project that I have been working for someone ( well, actually I am talking about that to them now ).

Although I feel awful for dropping out, I just can't think that I can do this job. Too many works for me and not enough time ( they really want to push the process faster, which I am trying my best but not enough ). That's why I have to stop working for them. I don't want that to affect my other jobs ( which have a real contract ) I hope they will understand and let me go, find some other artist :'(

Note from me to younger/newbie freelance artist, please know how many works you will do when you stepped into a project, you may be overwhelmed when you actually start working on it. I learned my lesson, and I really do hope I can step out of this.




What a nice Daki! ^^ and I hope you get things sorted out :3


Yeah, me too. I really want to focus on other project that I love, which including new Sad Panda game hehe.


Oooo!!!! That sounds nice :3 I was kinda thinking Sad Panda Studios was who you where talking about, but I thought there is no way those people would push so hard on you. But I'm excited to see what you'll do ^3^