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I cosplayed as myself - my mascot hahahaha. This is the best thing I have ever done.
I'm so in love of how the costume turned out and how I look so much like what I draw ( or is it just me... )

3 years ago I created the image of my mascot. After 3 years, I become the girl I draw on the paper.
It the best feeling that you can imagine.

Special thanks to : Hà Ngọc Mỹ and Dương Thụy Ngọc Cầm for making this costume.
Minh Châu for the amazing pictures!
You guys are the best!
More pictures here : https://www.facebook.com/murmoruno/photos/?tab=album&album_id=894230347424429




Awe thats amazing! Looks soo good too! ^^