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Hi guys,

I have finished sending out the reward.

Although I have something I have been keeping in mind and want to ask you guys.

Can I stop doing patreon for one month or two? ( like this November and December ).

Since It have already been the 13th and I know that I won't have anytime to do any fanart or If I do, I will die in stress.

My life will also be hectic. I will buy a house next week and ready to move in in the end of this month. The convention that I will sell my merchandise will be also this Sunday - the 19th. And also I have like 3 commercial commissions that I have to finish next week. And other personal commissions too ( I really feel bad making them wait for so long, It haven't taken this long before ). My first online store will be open soon too, after my convention on the 19th. So much things happen... It really tiring to keep thinking about all the works and patreon at the same time like this.

I have spent so many nights thinking and *literally crying* because I'm afraid of failing you guys. All the works have make me so sick in my mind and health because I keep worrying too much.  So I make up my mind to ask for you guys forgiveness and let me rest for 2 months.

Of course, you don't have to pledge me for these 2 months, just skip it and get back to the pledge on January. NEW YEAR, NEW MUR.

I will surely still keep updating about my others work in here too, so no need to worry.

I hope you guys will understand and also hope that I won't be coming back with zero patrons :(

I love you guys so much.


Sean Zekev

i may not be supporting you on patreon currently (don't worry i will in time) but to me the person comes first before their work.


Thank you so much <3 I hope to see you on my patrons' list on January 2018~~ Let make it the best year~


I'm pledged to another artist who turns off his pledges when hes to busy to do something for them. Still with him as he produces awesome art and will be no different for you.