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First of all, I want to say sorry for the lack of update in the last month (June).

I was so busy taking care of my cats and doing commercial commission that I didn't have a chance to work on rewards for you guys! And I felt so bad about it.

I am really appreciated that you guys didn't leave me because of my lack content. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.

I still have a lot of works I need to do this month of July but I really want to make up for you guys.

So please, leave a comment of your suggestion what you want to see this month.

More tutorials? More NSFW artworks? More SFW artworks ( which I most prefer lol ).

I am planning to give you guys free critique session exclusive for patrons too. Let me know what you think.

Love you all.

P.s: I will send June's rewards on 5th Jul~




Of course we understand that you have circumstances in your life, we forgive you. :) Or well, at lest I do.