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Hello from snow wonderland 🥶 do you remember i told you about my plans for this weekend. So i must say, that nothing worked out because of the weather. It was snow thunderstorm here yesterday, the roads were covered with ice. So Anna and i tried to drive a bit but it was not very good idea, so after couple of hours of exploring we just drove back home. But today it looks already different outside and i was on the lake in the morning. Just look at this peaceful place! I love it!
I hope your weekend more outdoorsy than mine🥲🫣

Your Sveta




Wow die Eiskönigin😍🥶🥶🥶

Svetlana Kohlrabi

Nach dem milden Wetter Anfang des Jahres habe ich mich schon auf Frühling eingestellt🫣 wie immer habe mich zu früh gefreut 😅


Is it swan lake? Because I can see one