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Hey Guys, this is a concept I've talked about for a while now, but I think it might finally be time.
So I really want to do a Lara Croft Catfight, On stage, in front of hundreds of people!  

The tone for this one is meant to be a little bit more bombastic and fun, and less dramatic and intense.

Helena will play the antagonist and I think she should be a fun villain.

I started Pre-Production yesterday and let me tell you, this project is going to be a Monster. Multiple Cloth Simulations, Boob Jiggles, Facial Expressions, Animating the hair by hand, Extra Characters in the background. This project is going to be extremely challenging. But there's no time like the present!

Wish me luck on this one folks, i'm gonna need it.




YES. Happy to see you picking this one up again.


Thanks Bam!! Honestly, My goal was to check off all the Catfight tropes, that just never really reached their full potential! This again, just seems so obvious, but I can't think of too many instances where it's done well. Lara Croft dressed in the Jessica Rabbit Outfit, and Helena has a nice Blue to contrast, amongst a Sea of Spectators in Black Tie should make for a glorious visual! This should be a fun one!


Fantastic idea!! I've always liked the concept of an audience present! They can awe and admire their girl in real time as they root for their babe to win! Plus Helena Douglass from DOA?? Awesome! I've always dreamt of a catfight with Tina Armstrong but you do you man as I know you'll give us, (and that audience!), one HELL of a show!!!


Dude, seriously you're so kind. You say the most hype things. I read your comments with the biggest grin on my face. Yeah, the excitement and tension is elevated when there's an audience. I'm excited to see how that's going to play into the characters. I just thought of an awesome moment. Imagine they are circling each other like Cats, with their paws out, and the camera is focused on their expression and its rotating with them, and you see from the side of their eyes, how they're reacting to the crowd. Lara Loves the Attention, and Helena is all business!! FUCK YEAH, LETS GOOO!!