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What's up, Everyone!  Wanted to share a little update.

But first, check out this EPIC Render I got!!!

This one was a few days of work, but the results were very worth it! Couldn't be happier with the final product.

I've spent the last 6 months REALLY  pushing the boundaries for these renders, but I'm sure you guys are itching to see this stuff in Motion. In 2024, I think I'll be ready to finally take these to the next level.

These last few months were an important period for me to mentally reset after Lara Croft vs Cassie Cage, the process of animating all of that, plus the reception was a a lot to deal with...

I just had a birthday and I'm home for the Holidays,  and I'm eager to see what the next year brings.

In the meantime, I'm wishing everyone a festive end of the year!

We'll be in touch!!! <3



Captain Pond

Looking incredible as always! Hope you have a merry christmas and a happy new year!