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Hey guys, Monster, here! Hope everyone enjoyed Black Cat vs Catwoman! I received tons of great and passionate messages and donations and it's been extremely motivating! I don't seem to be raking in lot of views, however, I can tell my work means a lot to the few people who see them! Thank you all so much for being so vocal about your appreciation! It helps me keep moving forward!

Speaking of which, regarding new projects for 2023, I would love to hear from you guys about what projects you'd like to see next!

I'll be honest, Black Widow vs Catwoman 2 is still a long way away, as I there are innovations in technology that will make that project easier. I don't want to rush it and miss out on some tools that could make it even better.

I'm really passionate about a Lara Croft Jungle Catfight as well as other exciting and intense Scenarios, including a sexy Spy fight on a Yacht, and an elegant catfight on stage in an Opera House! I think I'm going to take a break from Super Heroines as I go through the list of Sex Symbols without Catfights.

I'll share updates soon! Wishing Everyone a great end of the year! Let's be in touch!



Cheers! Also great work on the last vid. It exceeded all my expectations . Great work also Felicia won boyzzz let’s go!