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Sorry for the wait.

I kind keep rewrite and redrawing try to condense thing.

I want avoid wall of like text  the first chapter

Bad sleep habbit also make me unproductive so sorry again.

Anyway feel free to point out mistake or post suggestion in the comment.




several spelling errors.


Nice concept! Is it the continuation of another comic?


Nevermind, I just payed attention to the name… My bad


Aww, love her embarrassed reaction

Justin George

Page 1 My apology- My apologies Your glass- Your glasses Lose control- Lost control Apporaching- approaching Disposed- dispose Page 2 Acknowledge- Acknowledged Priam- Prima lol Meterial- Material Evole- evolved? Potenial- potential Manage- manages instict indeed- instinct is indeed Assurance- reassurance I haven't install it operating system install yet- I haven't installed its operating system yet Page 3 Meterial- material Alway- always Let begin- let's begin Whew I think that's it lol, keep up the good work anyways!

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 I'm sorry that you aren't getting a lot of sleep. Perhaps it may be possible to have a partner to help collaborate on the comic and take some of the load off yourself? And how many pages in total do you plan to make this comic? Also here are the edits: Page 5: Threat Contained. Mistress, your glasses are approximately 20 centimeters to your left. Oh ... thank you, Prima. Also, for your safety, please take extreme caution when approaching Miss June. As my former subordinate, she is highly unpredictable and dangerous when provoked. I see ... like a wild animal, huh? Ahem! My apologies, Miss June. It seems that I've lost my temper for a moment. Having said that, violence against the host will not be tolerated in this house. A rabid dog needs to be put down. Prima, dispose of her please. Page 6: Acknowledged. Mistress, may I offer a suggestion? What is it, Prima? Mistress, in my humble opinion, June is too invaluable as raw material for disposal. You mean, she is a good candidate to accept evolution? Correct, Mistress. Her combat potential as a nano-organic lifeform is deemed "acceptable", according to my assessment. True ... she did manage to keep herself alive when facing against my Mercury. Having a backup unit is good insurance. One second, Prima. The second nanite colony is incomplete. It's ... how should I say this ... "empty?" Page 7: Hmm ... I think I can work around that, since I have Prima right here. In theory, she can guide this empty blob into your body, Miss June. Hahaha ... at worst, you will merely become excess material for my mercury. Let us begin, Prima. You've got to be kidding me! Goddamnit, Miller! I always get so excited when I'm about to begin a new experiment. Miller, let go of me! Beginning Merge. Page 8: Commencing access to subject's internal structure. Scanning and replicating subject's external appearance. Replacing organic components. Subject now fully integrated into Liquid Mercury Network. Transferring rudimentary operating system.


I think you meant “valuable” not “vulnerable”

D Banks

You know what really sucks is you won't be able to see these guys as their squad in action showing how awesome they are.


Admittedly, I'm hoping we see the mad scientist get her just desserts one day. She is psychopathic and a smug karma houdini so far...

Arthur Yeung

That's assuming if this reboot adapts Amalgam and Iron's transformation.


Just one request. These posts are marked as R18 anyways, please draw them completely uncensored. At the very least please draw the nipples.


Wonder what June's new name will be and if she'll be reprogrammed exactly like Prima. If/when Iron shows up in Part 3, wonder what her reaction will be to seeing them robotized? Very great pacing with this Part, already in the meat of it. Very intrigued of June's fate


In the original, the guy's name was Ryan and the girl who was converted into Iron was an office girl named Monica. Ryan was changed to Miller and Monica became June, but both still had strong feelings for each other. We are seeing June being converted. It's up in the air if June becomes the new Liquid Iron, but I think that is the case. Which could result in Amelia getting converted into Amalgam and getting karma. It could happen in a number of ways. Wade's virus could come into play by sabotaging the programming and allowing Mercury and Iron a means of breaking free from Amelia's control.


>Mistress, in my humble opinion, June is too invaluable as raw material for disposal. "too valuable to be used as raw material for disposal" would work better


Given the original story, I think there is a possibility of Prima Mercury to still hold some kind of resentment against the doc, but with her programming, she can't hold any murderous intent. So he/she must have hardwired his will to turn Amelia into a mercury drone because not only it doesn't count as murder by Amelia's directives, but also because she described it as a form of love.

Turned Faith

You mentioned "wild animal" like a "rabid dog" so maybe form her into such, while retaining some human elements of her former self

